This post is for you to share your experiences of your headache journey; both the ups and the downs – your experience will help someone else.

Click on the post title to start describing your journey.

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Tags: compression headaches


One response to “”

  1. Kimberly Coleman Avatar
    Kimberly Coleman

    I could not remember the last time I woke up without a headache, and I never had a day without a headache. Some days they were much worse than others, but they were always there. Since I have been Dr. Blake’s patient that has all changed and it has made such a difference in my quality of life. Sometimes people thought I was in a bad mood or looked unapproachable, but in reality I was just trying so hard to concentrate on what they were saying to me because my head hurt so bad. I was taking over the counter migraine medication every single day.

    After seeing Dr. Blake, I began trigger point injections and Botox treatments. The treatments, combined with occasional medication, have made a drastic improvement on my life. I now wake up without a headache most days and that is a great feeling. I can enjoy conversations without needing to concentrate so hard on what was being said. Not only have I noticed the difference in me, but I have been amazed at how many people have noticed as well.

    I am beyond thankful for finding Dr. Blake!

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