This post is for you to share your experiences of your headache journey; both the ups and the downs – your experience will help someone else.

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Tags: compression headaches


3 responses to “”

  1. Kimberly Coleman Avatar
    Kimberly Coleman

    I could not remember the last time I woke up without a headache, and I never had a day without a headache. Some days they were much worse than others, but they were always there. Since I have been Dr. Blake’s patient that has all changed and it has made such a difference in my quality of life. Sometimes people thought I was in a bad mood or looked unapproachable, but in reality I was just trying so hard to concentrate on what they were saying to me because my head hurt so bad. I was taking over the counter migraine medication every single day.

    After seeing Dr. Blake, I began trigger point injections and Botox treatments. The treatments, combined with occasional medication, have made a drastic improvement on my life. I now wake up without a headache most days and that is a great feeling. I can enjoy conversations without needing to concentrate so hard on what was being said. Not only have I noticed the difference in me, but I have been amazed at how many people have noticed as well.

    I am beyond thankful for finding Dr. Blake!

  2. Jenn Victor Avatar
    Jenn Victor

    I have had migraines since I was 19yrs old, they first started small with seeing a neurologist who wrongfully diagnosed me with psuedo-tumor and kept having me get spinal taps because they though the reason was I had to much spinal fluid. After a year of that they finally gave up and sent me to Dr.Blake. She was able to finally help manage my headaches. She was able to help me control all them.
    However, there was an issue that happened. My migraines progressively got worse as the years went by. They went from simple annoying migraines to debilitating ones where it was becoming hard to just live day by day. Every day was a struggle to find the drive to get up. My migraines were taking on stroke like symptoms where I lost the ability to talk, my face felt numb, couldn’t move one half of my body, I would constantly fall and the lights and sounds of everyday were making me a complete shut in. Doctor Blake did hang in with me through it all, every treatment worked…for a little while. I took the medications, the trigger point injections and botox, nothing worked.
    Finally though, I was given the option of the nerve decompression surgery. It was my last chance to get any sort of my life back. It was nerve wrecking since they were going into my head to re-arrange my nerves. It was the best decision of my life. I am now 32 and about 2yrs post op and I have not had a single debilitating migraine like that before. It is safe to say that without Dr.Blake I have no idea where I would be now. They never gave up and I wanted to so bad sometimes. I barely have migraines now and I still cry every time I look at my surgery photos because those small nerves destroyed me for 10yrs.
    Dr.Blake and her team helped me through so much and gave me my life back.

  3. Gerardo Garcia Avatar
    Gerardo Garcia

    I have suffered from headaches since middle school. For many years, I tried to manage them with Excedrin, regular exercise, and proper rest. However, about five years ago, my headaches became a daily struggle, significantly affecting my quality of life.

    I consulted two neurologists before finally meeting Dr. Blake. One of the previous specialists recommended Botox injections for my head, neck, and back. While this treatment provided some relief, for me it also caused significant discomfort at the injection sites and muscle pain.

    Last year, I was fortunate to find Dr. Blake. She listened to me, and what had worked and not worked in the past. She thoroughly evaluated my condition and explained that my headaches were likely due to nerve compression in my neck. She started me on a combination of medication and targeted site injections. Since beginning this treatment, I have gone from experiencing debilitating headaches every day to only about three per month.

    I feel incredibly fortunate to have found a physician with Dr. Blake’s expertise. Now in my late 40s, I can truly say that her treatment has enriched my life in ways I hadn’t felt in years. I am deeply grateful to her and her dedicated staff. I also have a much better understanding of my condition, and if I ever choose to undergo nerve decompression surgery, I trust that Dr. Blake will connect me with the right specialist. Knowing this gives me confidence that I can continue enjoying my life for many years to come.

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