Category: Uncategorized

  • The puzzle of refractory headaches: Part II

    In Part I of this blog, we talked about the first published report, in 1992, that stated that compression of the occipital nerves in the posterior neck could cause chronic head and neck pain, and that surgical removal of pressure from the nerves in a surgical procedure called ‘decompression’ could provide relief. Work in this…


    This post is for you to share your experiences of your headache journey; both the ups and the downs – how can you help someone else from your experience? Click on the post title and leave a reply. Medical Disclaimer

  • “Are my headaches really migraines?”

    The term ‘migraine’ is often used to mean severe headache, however, there are diagnostic criteria that should be used to diagnose migraine to ensure consistency across all practices. These criteria are in the ICHD-3, the Intenational Classification of Headache Disorders – 3rd edition, which is available online. The diagnostic criteria for migraine do not state…

  • Headache 360 – The Headache Neurologist on the Cutting Edge

    PUBLISHED OCTOBER 29, 2019 BY ADAM LOWENSTEIN Speaker 1:Welcome to the Headache 360 Podcast, a place to learn about the diagnosis and treatment of chronic headache and migraine pain, because information can be the best medicine. Dr. Lowenstein:Hello and welcome to our next episode of the Headache 360 Podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Adam Lowenstein.…